Fort Lauderdale Bankruptcy Attorney Chapter 7 11 13

Affordable Bankruptcy Fees

Fort Lauderdale Bankruptcy Attorney
If you are in debt, we can help…

Affordable Bankruptcy Fees

Our team of attorneys and legal professionals will assist you through your legal entanglements with care and professionalism.

We charge affordable, competitive fees for a bankruptcy filing. However, it is difficult to quote a fee without knowing something about your case. Many firms quote a low fee at first, then ask the client about their case, often then increasing the fees. We do not. However, we do offer payment plans.

Some clients have only credit card debt and no other complications. Others have several mortgages, investment properties, tax issues and other difficulties. We also need to determine if a Chapter 7 filing is possible and the best course of action, or if a Chapter 13 or Chapter 11 is necessary. The fees vary accordingly.

We have noticed that many firms quote a low fee but change that quote once you have committed. We do not follow that practice. We offer a free consultation at which time we quote a fixed fee and that is the fee you pay for the entire case. Adversary proceedings and contested matters are generally billed at an hourly rate. We will tell you up front if we expect such a proceeding in your case. We want our clients to have as pleasant an experience as possible considering the circumstances. Here is some information that might help.

A Word About Advertised Attorneys Fees

We believe that our fee schedules are competitive with any competent bankruptcy firm in South Florida. Note, however, that following the collapse of the real estate market many local lawyers with declining practices in other areas of the law began filing bankruptcy cases to rebuild their practices. Since they had little or no bankruptcy experience they advertised low fees to find clients. Some of these newcomers to the bankruptcy field are learn as they go. I have looked up the filing history of many of these attorneys on the Pacer filing system. Some have never filed a case. Others have not filed a case for the advertised fee. Don’t be fooled by low quoted rates. Make sure you retain competent counsel or it may cost you much more in the long run.

I have been practicing bankruptcy law in the South Florida area for over 30 years. I have worked on literally thousands of cases in bankruptcy court, including Chapter 7’s, Chapter 11’s and Chapter 13’s representing both creditors and debtors. I have filed and defended numerous adversary proceedings and contested matters. I have filed bankruptcy appeals and have represented clients before the 11th Circuit Court of Appeal.

All individuals and businesses who file bankruptcy must attend a meeting of creditors. I have observed other attorneys’ cases in which exemptions were not properly utilized resulting in great expense or loss by the client, cases that should not have been filed because of nonexempt assets that are lost to the bankruptcy trustee, and many cases that are improperly handled and have to be dismissed or refiled.

A bankruptcy filing is a serious matter with potentially disastrous results. It should only be handled by an attorney with experience in bankruptcy and who knows the local bankruptcy judges, trustees and procedures. We have that experience.

I have have appeared on a number of television and radio shows as a bankruptcy expert and have been quoted as a bankruptcy source by the Sun-Sentinel many times. If you search for “David Langley bankruptcy” on you will find a video on bankruptcies and foreclosures in which I appear as the bankruptcy expert. Let me know if you would like a free consultation to discuss your legal needs.

Filing fees:

In addition to any fee we may quote you will also be responsible for a filing fee.

Chapter 7 – $335.00

Chapter 13 – $310.00

Chapter 11 – $1,717.00

Retain Us:

If you would like to retain our firm to represent you in a bankruptcy matter you may download the appropriate forms to get started on our Bankruptcy Forms page and make a payment below.

Make a Payment:

Payments can be processed on credit cards. Click on Make a Payment.

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